weekend visit

美 [ˈwiːkend ˈvɪzɪt]英 [ˌwiːkˈend ˈvɪzɪt]
  • 周末拜访
weekend visitweekend visit
  1. An ideal place for a weekend visit and shopping trip .


  2. And he and his family delayed a weekend visit to the historic town of Williamsburg , Virginia .


  3. Reports that President George W.Bush had his wristwatch stolen while shaking hands with Albanians on his weekend visit are false , Albanian police and the U.


  4. Jennifer Garner gave her son , Samuel , a big swing when they had a post-Thanksgiving weekend visit to an LA horse ranch on Monday .


  5. Soros proposed to Bolton , 40 , a few weeks ago during a weekend visit to the Hamptons , a beachside colony on Long Island frequented by New York 's wealthy .


  6. Then why are you going to Atlantic City every other weekend to visit her ?


  7. Or worse , you 're leaving school every other weekend to visit your significant other .


  8. Even so , doctors say you should n 't avoid a weekend hospital visit if you think you are having a heart attack or stroke .


  9. Steve Clarke insists Liverpool 's preparations for next weekend 's visit of Manchester United will remain exactly the same as every other international break .


  10. So , I 've got this weekend 's campus visit to Brown set .


  11. Make a weekend holiday or visit


  12. At the weekend I will visit Macao .


  13. However , relations have reportedly been soothed this weekend by the visit to Beijing of a high-level Vietnamese military delegation .


  14. This weekend we will visit the Redgate Gallery for opening of their September exhibition-works by Liu Qinghe .


  15. A group of senior Israeli officials met Chinese officials in Beijing at the weekend in a visit that underlines the complex balancing act China faces over how to deal with Iran .
